
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

'I Didn't Forget Your Birthday' {card fail}

I'm not always happy with the cards I make.

Anyone else have that same problem?

This card needs something else, but I just can't seem to figure out what IT is.
Maybe the scalloped circle needs to be bigger.  
Or I should've went with a different shape.

THIS is the sketch I used for inspiration.  

I tried adding another shape by the sentiment like it shows in the sketch, 
but it just didn't work on my card.

Thoughts, anyone?


  1. I had this thought before checking out the inspiration sketch, and seeing it confirmed it for me. The scalloped circle needs to be bigger.

  2. Ashley points my thought out. There is no connection with the upper left corner and the other decorated corner. Just with a painting, it misses the connection.
    Good luck!

  3. If it were my card, I would use my gel pen to add a line of white - - - - - or ..... around the edge of yellow rectangle and carry it down the middle angles to connect the top and the bottom of the card. Then I would probably add a second scalloped layer under the greeting to make it take up more space as well as add a flower or two - either to the bottom left of the scallop or one on each side, lining them up with the blue.

  4. I think your card would benefit from a larger circle as well. But I do love the colors you chose and adding a bigger circle is a pretty easy fix!


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