
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Tap, Tap, this thing still on?

Hello?  Does anybody still check this blog?

I can't believe I haven't posted since July!  
Where has all the time gone?

A few exciting things have happened since I last posted...

*Summer is now over and my kiddo's are all back in school.
I've hit a new stage in life where ALL 5 of my darlings are in school all day.
I'll admit that I was a bit lost those first few days of school.
I've been a stay-at-home Mom for the last 15 years,
and not having any little ones at home to keep me company was weird.

*After thinking about it a LOT,
I decided to get a part-time job to bring in a little bit of extra money.
It's been a bit of an adjustment to make, 
but the kids think it's pretty cool (and weird) that Mommy's got a job.

*After 16 years of marriage, 
my husband and I are finally looking into buying our first home.
We've found one that we love, 
but are waiting for a few things to happen 
before we can start the process of buying it.
Can I say how super duper excited I am 
at the prospect of having a home of our very own?
I've been dreaming up projects for this house, 
and if it all works out, will definitely be sharing them!

*I haven't completely given up crafting.
In fact, I've been crafting a lot this summer!
I decided in January that I was going to make crochet hats 
for all of my family members for our Christmas party this year.
Wowza, has it been a lot of work, and I'm not even close to being done!!
But rest assured, I WILL share them all once the recipients have received their hats :)

I'm hoping that once I hit my new groove with this part-time job thing,
that I'll be able to actually start posting regularly again.
I've missed sharing my projects with you all!

Thanks for listening,
and since I don't have a crafty picture to share,
here's a picture of my kids and 2 of their cousins on the first day of school.

Have a splendid day :)

1 comment:

  1. It's been a year and a half since I blogged....updating my links.... :)


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