
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fun with Juice Pouches

**Update:  Some of you have expressed an interest in a tutorial for the wallets and notepad holder.  I wish I could provide one for you, but I bought a pattern online showing me how to make them and can't reproduce the pattern in any form.  If you're interested in the patterns, you can find them HERE. 
**The purses/bags and headbands are a different story.  I made those on my own, and would be willing to do a tutorial for them if you'd like!  Just let me know by leaving a comment!

I've mentioned before that my awesome SIL has been saving/collecting empty juice pouches for me. These are just a few of the things I've been making with them:

I'm loving these cute wallets....
There's plenty of space for your bills.....

....and for your change!

A fun notebook holder lined with fabric that has a place for your pen/pencil.

And a reversible headband! I'm still trying to work out the kinks on this one so it's easier to make, but it's still pretty cute!

I've got 7 messenger bags in the works, along with a few other things I'll hopefully be able to share soon! I LOVE making stuff out of juice pouches, but HATE that my stash never seems to stay stocked up for long! I guess I need to be more assertive about collecting them....even if it means digging through the trash when I see some there(or making my kids do it for me;)!

I'm linking to these fabulous parties:

Hoo's Got Talent @Night Owl Crafting

Sugar & Spice @seven-thirty-three

Whatever Goes Wednesday @Someday Crafts

Letting the Creative Juices Flow @These Creative Juices

Modern Craftswoman Monday @Tools Are For Women Too

Look What I Made @Creations By Kara

Spotlight "Yourself" Wednesday @Santa's Gift Shoppe & Ideas

It's Stinkin' Cute Craft Thursday @It's Sew Stinkin' Cute


  1. These are all so cute! I've haven't seen many of these at all before!!!

  2. i used to make my kids collect them from their friends at the lunch table. id promis them a handful of m&ms.

  3. Misty~ You are so creative!! Very cute ideas! We saw some purses here at Wal Mart made out of juice pouches!! Very cute! :)

  4. Love these! Would love if you could share a tut on the wallets and notepad holders! Thanks a bunch!

  5. Awesome!! My daughter has a tote bag someone made her. I would love to see a tut too!!

  6. No way! Those are so cute. I've seen purses made of this, but the headband is rockin'!

  7. These are fantastic! I'd love to see a tutorial!

  8. Would love your tuts! Also, I am featuring this tomorrow @

  9. My daughter has been begging for a juice box bag for weeks, and I told her there was NO way I was buying one. I'd love to see a tutorial on them--then we'd all be happy around here. :-)

  10. That headband is seriously the coolest thing ever! I need me one of those! :)

    You are just so creative!

  11. We go through so many capri suns! I will have to start saving these, so that I can make these adorable projects! Thanks for linking up to Hoo's got talent!

  12. Thanks for sharing some fun ideas and helping to make this the most successful Modern Craftswoman Monday so far! Rory

  13. I would love to see a tutorial on the headband, my 4 year old is addicted to headbands and she would freak if I made her one like these!

    They are soo adorable.

  14. I would love the tut on the headband. Love it and have juice pouches just waiting. Thanks. Love your blog.

  15. Hi Misty! I have done juice box/cooler purses and totes and my blog sometime ago! I combine mine with crochet!.. but I'm LOVING the notebook holders! I've GOT to try those, and the headbands look adorable too.. fun to wear for the summer!! Have a great weekend! ~tina


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