
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sew Cute Tuesday {8.24.10}

Happy Tuesday, everyone!!  Well....tomorrow's a big day at our house.  It's the first day of school!!  I have enjoyed the summer with my kiddos immensely, but am SO ready for them to start school!  I'm looking forward to having a schedule again, and am itching to get started on some Christmas projects.  It seems that my "Christmas Project List" grows each week when I see all of your fabulous ideas!
Here's a few projects that caught my eye from last week:

How clever is this Recycled Bird Seed Bag from Craftopotamus?!

I think I need to make my little boy one of these cute Cowboy Shirts from Homemaker!

Check out Nap-Time Creations' Growth cute!!

And I loved this Appliqued Ruffle Butt Onesie and Baby Leggings from E&G Creations!

Feel free to grab a 'Featured' can now find it in my *new* menu bar!!

***For some reason, I've been having problems leaving comments on some of your posts. If you don't see a comment from me, just know that I did visit!!***

Now let's get this linky party started!!


Rules for linking:

**link to specific blog post, not blog home page!
**link sewing projects only! (can be hand or machine sewn)
**I will delete any non-sewing links....don't make me be a meanie!
**visit a few of the links and leave some comment love!
**Linky Tools will remain open until midnight on
Wednesday, August 25th.
**If you come back and don't see your link, read through the rules again and give it another try!


  1. Thanks for the feature! Oh, and I just posted my birthday sign project, and realized that I didn't actually sew it (only hot glue), so you can delete it. Thanks! Emily

  2. Holy smokes! Thanks so much for featuring my bag! Hooray! Love your blog!

  3. Misti,
    Made your zucchini brownies last weekend and they were gone before I could frost them!
    Thanks for the linky party!

  4. Seriously... I need to put down the glue gun and pick up my sewing machine. I haven't been able to add anything here in forever... Although that won't last too terribly long because I have some major sewing projects that will be in the works... as soon as I find out more info I will be able to start those projects. Thanks for hosting and maybe I will get to add one soon!

  5. I'm a new follower and I just linked up. Love your blog!


  6. the little western shirt is adorable! :o)

  7. Thanks so much for hosting! It's so fun to be part of this creative community!


  8. Thanks sooo much for featuring my project! You made my day!! :)


  9. Hi Misty!
    You have wonderful blog, I am your newest follower.
    Thanks for hosting.
    Greetings from Europe, Biljana


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