
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sew Cute Tuesday {9.28.10}

Sorry that my posting has been a little sporadic lately.  I've got a little something up my sleeve and have been working on some really fun stuff.....but I can't share anything quite yet.  Give me a few weeks and you'll see what I've been up to!!

I know I say this every week, but THANK YOU for visiting my blog and making "Sew Cute Tuesday" such a success!!  I love seeing all the creative projects linked up each week! 

Here's a few projects that caught my eye from last week:

The Wonders of Doing shared some amazing Embroidered Pillowcases that she made as gifts!

I'm going to have to try this easy Pillowcase Tutorial from Visions of Sugar Plums!

How cute is this Toddler Sleeping Bag from Twinkle Toes Bowtique?!

And I loved this Quick & Easy Sheet Tutorial from The Train To Crazy!

Feel free to grab a 'Featured' can now find it in my *new* menu bar!!

Now let's get this linky party started!!


Rules for linking:

**link to specific blog post, not blog home page!
**link sewing projects only! (can be hand or machine sewn)
**I will delete any non-sewing links....don't make me be a meanie!
**visit a few of the links and leave some comment love!
**Linky Tools will remain open until midnight on
Wednesday, September 29th.
**If you come back and don't see your link, read through the rules again and give it another try!


  1. Thanks for hosting - I haven't linked up in a while, nice to be back being creative!

  2. WHAT have you got up your sleeve Missy!!!! I wanna play too!

  3. I was featured?! I've never been featured! Thank you so much!! What an honor from your fabulous blog!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment!