
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sew Cute Tuesday {8.23.11}

Welcome to another week of 'Sew Cute Tuesday'!  This linky party is for SEWING PROJECTS ONLY!!  I've been pretty lenient in letting non-sewing links stay up, but I'm going to have to start cracking down again.
Here's a few projects that caught my eye from last week's 'Sew Cute Tuesday' linky party:

Made it on Monday shared some tips for Finishing Touches on Handmade Clothes!

How cute are these Bath Time Mitts from the DIY Lifestyle?!

And I loved this Scooter Quilt Block from Shape Moth!

Feel free to grab a 'Featured' can find a *new* one in my menu bar!!

Now let's get this linky party started!!


Rules for linking:

**Link to a specific blog post, not blog home page!
**Link sewing projects only! (can be hand or machine sewn)
**I will delete any non-sewing links....don't make me be a meanie!
**Visit a few of the links and leave some comment love!
**Please link back to me in some form (post my button, or link to text in your blog post)
**Linky Tools will remain open until midnight on
Wednesday, August 24th.
**If you come back and don't see your link, read through the rules again and give it another try!



  1. oops sorry misty. I totally posted a non sewing project. you can delete if you wish. I posted it and then read the post.. its just been one of those days :)

  2. Thanks so much for featuring my sewing tips! I love your link up party!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment!