
Friday, December 6, 2013

Christmas Gift Box

No, I haven't completely fallen off the face of the earth ;)

I had every intention of doing my annual 12 Days of Christmas this year.  
Things just got too busy, and I never got around to it.  
I hope you'll forgive me!

Boxes are something that I love to make.  
Whenever I see a tutorial for a new one, especially if it's super cute, 
I always end up making at least one.

This little box measures approximately 4.5" x 2" x 1.5".
It's the perfect size for a small bottle of lotion, a few tubes of chapstick, candy, etc.

The bow on top was made using the new 

Isn't it too cute?!

Want to make your own?
The box tutorial can be found HERE,
and HERE is a great video on making the little bow.

Have a fabulous weekend!

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