
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My New Hobby

One of my New Year's Resolutions for 2013 was to learn to crochet.
It's something that I've wanted to learn for a long time, 
but just never did anything about it.

One of my daughters and I joined a 4H crochet group,
and we quickly became frustrated with it.

Our first project was a dishcloth.  
Neither one of us ended up finishing it.
It was super confusing for both of us.

Then we tried making a slouch hat.
I ended up taking mine apart several times before I finally finished it.
And it sure wasn't pretty.

We started a few other crochet projects, but then both of us 
ended up putting away our crochet hooks for a while.

Learning to crochet was a lot harder than we thought it would be!

In November of 2013, after a very long break from crocheting,
I finally picked up my crochet hooks again to give it another try.

I'm SO glad I did, 'cause I'm LOVING my new hobby!

THIS OWL HAT was my ultimate goal when it came to crocheting.  
And I'm happy to say that I've finally learned how to make them!

I've made several (my kids have claimed most of them!),
but here's a few that I was able to snap pictures of. 

This one is a newborn size.
Cutest thing ever!

I made this one as a gift for a 6-year old girl.
Love the colors together!

What about you?
Do you crochet?
If so, what are some of your favorite things to make?

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