
Monday, June 1, 2015

DIY Burlap Monogram Wall Decor

My husband and I bought our very first home in December.
It was a dream come true for our family!
We went from a 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom rental home,
to a 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom home.
It has been wonderful!

I've been slow to start decorating,
because, to be quite honest,
it seems SUPER daunting!

The hardest part has been trying to figure out my 'style'.
What do I like as far as decor is concerned?
What if I buy something, hang it up, and hate it?

All the 'what if's' have stopped me cold.
Until now.

I'm getting the itch to fill up the walls
and make our home OURS.

Starting with this....

I absolutely love monograms, and I love burlap.
So I decided to combine the two 
and make a cute frame to hang near our stairway.

This frame was my starting point.
I found it at the thrift store for $2.

After taking it apart,
I cut a Ritz cracker box to fit inside the frame,
then cut some burlap a little bigger than the frame opening.

I really wanted to try THIS for my monogram, but didn't have any freezer paper.
So I improvised and printed off the 'R' 
on a regular piece of paper in the size and font that I wanted
(I think the font was 'Georgia', and the size was 400).

Then I taped the paper with the 'R' on a window,
and taped the burlap on top of that.
Next, I got a sharpie and traced the 'R' onto the burlap,
then colored it in.

The last step was using packing tape 
to tape the burlap monogram around the cardboard insert,
then hot glued it inside the frame.

Easy peasy!

The final touch was tying burlap ribbon on it to hang it with.

I just love how it turned out!

What projects have you made for your home?
I'd love to see your ideas!

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