Wednesday, January 20, 2010

{Cute Jewelry made by my 10-year-old!}

I just had to post about this cute jewelry that my 10-year-old made recently. She loves to make jewelry, but hasn't been able to lately because we're out of the stretchy string. So far, we haven't found any stores in our small town that sells it. So she came up with her own solution. Rubberbands!! I never would have thought of that, but they worked perfectly for all these cute little rings!! And it's a great way to recycle rubberbands that would have otherwise gone in the trash!
This ring is her favorite. So adorable!!
I'm so proud of my daughter and how creative (and thrifty) she is! I can't wait to see what she comes up with next!!


hello gorgeous said...

what a cool idea! love it ;o)


hello gorgeous xxx

Michelle said...

good for her for finding a creative solution to her problem

Megan said...

That's excellent!

Kaysi said...

Wow, she is really good, those are super cute!

Brenda said...

Super cute! We share a lot of the same joys in life!
Have a happy creative day!
Love, Brenda

Jen @ said...

So cute! What a creative girl!


RootsAndWingsCo said...

She did an amazing job! They are beautiful.
One of my favorite things, is when my kids craft with me. I've set aside time every day, just for us to be in the craft room together. Sometimes we do crafts as a family, and sometimes we are each doing our own thing. It is amazing to see what they will come up with on their own!
Rebecca of the R&W Gals